Have you been feeling constipated lately? You want to pass a stool but you just can't or when you do it really hurts and takes a long time. You don't have to suffer this silent and terrible pain anymore. I have the answer to your problem all you need is some fiber and some water nothing else no laxatives, enemas, or stool softeners. Mother nature can cure you of your constipation problems.
The typical American diet is lacking in fiber, Americans don't drink enough water instead they turn to coffee, juices, and other beverages that dehydrate and cause constipation. To solve your constipation you must change your diet to include much more fiber and drink more water. Fruits and vegetables are perfect sources of fiber along with a natural supplement that can be found at most food stores called psyllium husk. The key to stopping constipation is to make your stool large and soft so they pass through your system easier.
Stop eating foods that cause hard stools such as read meat, white rice, and dairy products. You should switch to a more natural and raw diet and also get your body moving around exercise more. I would also recommend getting up early in the morning and drinking a gallon of water to start your day of right.
Jeffrey Boateng
Vitamin Shoppe - Psyllium Husks Powder, 12 oz powder
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