Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ways to Prevent Cancer

Dear Reader,

There are several forms of cancer that can wreck havoc on the body from heart to brain cancer but most if not all these cancers can be prevented if you take a few simple steps mainly with what you put into your body.

1. Eat whole and natural foods avoid foods that are filled with pesticides and hydrogenated oils.
2. Make sure to drink plenty of water daily
3. Make sure to sleep at least 6 hours a day but not more than 8
4. Avoid using cosmetics that are filled with chemicals instead look for ones that have all natural ingredients.
5. Exercise everyday I recommended doing 8 minutes of taebo a day to keep the cancer cells away
6. Stop smoking if you do this is the fastest way to get cancer and lead yourself to early grave
7. Drink Green tea it is high in antioxidants and will give you energy

Follow these steps and you will greatly reduce you chances of getting cancer.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bad Case of insomnia

Dear Reader,

I have a bad case of insomnia lately and I know why. I have been studying a lot lately and have had little time to exercise and be out in the sun. These two activities would normally regulate my sleep cycle because they cause my body temperature to rise during the day giving me a boost of energy for the day but causing me to become tired at night. Instead of following my regular routine of exercise and sun activity I have been stuck inside drinking green tea studying financial figures for hour after hour. My body can not tell the difference between day and night because I am barely outside. I can't wait until this week is over and I can resume my normal sleep schedule.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

My plan to lose 30 pounds

Dear Reader,

After seven years of playing football I have come to the end of the road, last Saturday was my final football game barring any unexpected calls from the NFL,UFL or international football team. So now that my football days are over it is time to loose all this excess weight I have accumulated over the days. No longer will I frequent all you can eat buffets and stuff my belly with food. I from now on will eat an Asian style diet lots of rice and vegetables along with green tea and rice. I will also pursue boxing as my main physical activity. I hope to by February to be down to 210 pounds right now I currently weight 255. For those of you who are interested keep paying attention to the blog I will keep you posted along my journey.
