Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Website!

Dear Readers,

I haven't posted in a while because I have been busy building a new website and training people in my neighborhood. I finally graduated from college so now I have more free time to devote to fitness and alternative health. You can now follow me at I will continue to develop it so it can he a source of vast information about fintess and health.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Only way to become Rich is to invest your way

Dear Reader,

Many people seek the path to wealth but have little idea on how to achieve it.
Many people work their whole lives as an employee but never achieve much wealth.
Being an employee is one of the worst things you can be if you want to achieve true wealth. For an average employee you lifetime wages will be little more than a million dollars. This to some may seem a lot but the truly wealthy this a small amount that can be made in less than a year. The truly worthy understand the best way to wealth is through investing. Only through investing our people gain and lose millions and billions of dollars. Investing allows you money to grow and work for you. The problem is knowing what to invest in and managing your money. This is a difficult task since the markets are often irrational and there are many forces that affect them. I would recommend finding someone who is already successful to be your mentor.


Foods high in soluble fiber

If you want to be healthy your diet should include soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is the fiber that absorbs water as it passes through your body.

List of food high in soluble fiber
1. Oats
2. Pinto Beans
3. Bananas
4. Carrots
5. Psyllium Husk (not really a food but still good for you)
6. Brown Rice

Monday, May 24, 2010

Turn off your tv

Dear Reader,

A lot of people spend several hours a day watching tv and wonder why they don't
accomplish much in life. I have come to find tv completely useless the Internet is far better for information and entertainment. Most of television is on the Internet, just go to, youtube, or any major network's website and you will find plenty of free shows. If you are into sports you can usually stream most live events on your laptop or cell phone. If have the willpower to reduce the amount of time you spend watching tv you will find the you have a bunch of free time to pursue productive activities. I have been able to read more books, work on a mixtape, and work on this blog because I have cut almost all tv out of my life. Televesion is nothing but a distraction so get it out of your life.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Early Morning Workouts

Dear Reader,

What do you do when first get up in the morning. Do you rub your eyes, turn of the alarm clock, and head straight to your shower? If so you could be wasting a valuable opportunity to burn off fat. During the night your body was busy repairing itself and using all the energy stores in your body. When you wake up there is nothing left which makes it a perfect opportunity for you to burn fat. If you start exercising as soon as you wake up your body will have no choice but to burn the excess fat stored on you. I know it is hard to get out of bed and exercise but believe me it is worth it. Nothing is better than early morning exercise. I have made the most gains in fats loss with early morning exercise and I generally feel better the rest of the day when I do. So try it and let me know.


Monday, May 17, 2010

The Healing Power of the Hand

Dear Reader,

Have you ever bumped into an object such as wall and felt an immense pain? What was your reaction, did you immediately start rubbing the hurt area? If you did you are on the correct path to self healing. The hand has a healing ability that your body knows how to use. When you start rubbing a injured area with your hands you are using the natural healing energy stored in your hands. That's why rubbing a hurt area brings relief. The next time your hurt yourself continue the area on and off for twenty minutes you will feel way better. You can also use this on healing power on other people to help them out. This is why I like going to message therapist that are skilled in using their hands to relieve muscle tension.

Your Friend,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Failed Soup Diet

Dear Readers,

I have stopped the soup diet I just couldn't deal with the high levels of salt I was taking in. I need to try this diet when I have accesses to my own kitchen and can make my own soup. I did loose some weight during the first few days but I felt horrible canned soup is one of the worse foods to eat. I am now back on Chinese food and I am feeling way better. I will keep you updated on developments in the alternative health world.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1 of the Soup Diet

Dear Readers,

Today is Day 1 of my 7 day soup diet so far it has gone well. I woke up around 10 am and devoured some beef and vegetable soup it was from a can so it was bit salty but otherwise it tasted pretty good. I went to class at 1:25 and during the ten minute break around 2 I drank a banana protein drink. One I got back from my class I had a beef and barley soup. As for how this diet is effecting me: I have a lot of energy but the soup is definitely not filling my stomach. On the plus side my digestive system is getting a well deserved rest. Soup is one of the easiest food to digest and is packed full of nutrients I just wish I had the resources to make my own soup from scratch. The kitchen in my college is horrible and food always seem to disappear out of the fridge.

Your friend,
Jeffrey Boateng

Sunday, May 9, 2010

7 Day Soup Diet

Dear Readers,

I am currently weigh 220 pounds down from 255 my football playing weight. I lost most of my weight by eating Asian food and playing a lot of basketball. My target weight is 205 so I still have a few more pounds to go. I have enjoyed eating Asian food but now I am switching to more aggressive measures to get the last few pounds off. I am going to start a soup diet that consists of me eating nothing for soup for 7 days. Even though this is not the healthiest diet because of the calorie restriction and the high amount of sodium in soaps it is pretty effective many people have reported losing 10 pounds but this may be due to water lost. I will report each day from now on of how I feel and let you know my final weight next week.

Your friend,
Jeffrey Boateng

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Drug Industry is Scared

Dear Reader,

The drug industry is starting to get worried. They are realizing that the alternative health movement is picking up and there is very little they can do about it. People are no longer putting faith in drugs made by pharmaceutical companies but instead turning to herbs and other alternative treatments. In one recent study the placebo effect was more powerful than drugs suggesting the mind can heal the body. You alone can be the answer to most of you medical conditions there is no need for expensive drugs. I recommend you pray on any ailment you have before you even see a doctor.Keep researching alternative treatments always seek out a second opinion and remember you are responsible for you health. Do not fall for the drug industries attempts to discredit the alternative health movement as they loose more money they will turn to drastic measures to get people back on medications.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Start Stockpiling Water

Dear Reader,

The most important thing you need to have is an emergency supply of is water.
Without water you will not survive any emergency. You can live a long time without
food but only 3 days without water. I recommend you buy at least 7 gallons a week from now on and store it in your basement or bedroom. We are due for a big natural disaster or terrorist attack in the next two years so take precaution.

Your friend,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are you a hunter?

Dear Reader,

Have you ever tried walking to the grocery store to buy food? I tried this the other day and it was well worth it. I accomplished two things at once. I completed my daily exercise and secured food for my next meal. Most people never walk anywhere to get food instead they just drive or order in. If more people actually walked to the places where they got food from they would be surprised to see the amount of exercise they would get done. Our ancient ancestors never had the choice of calling a pizza delivery man they always had to go out and hunt for it, or grow it. I know some restaurants and shops are pretty far away from residential areas, but even then you should try to "hunt" for your food at least one day a week that way you won't feel as bad when you gorge out.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ways to Detox

Dear Reader,

You are exposed to several chemicals and heavy metals each day due to the pesticides and additives used in foods, and contaminants found in our polluted environment. The human body can only process so many chemicals through the liver and kidney anything your body can't get rid of is stored in fat or in your joints. Over time this build up has an effect on your health. To counteract this effect you should detox your body. There a are several opitons for detoxing:

1. Colonincs: A colonic flushes toxins out of your lower bowl. There is a saying that death starts in the colon is it is very important to have it cleared out.

2. Vigorous exercise: By working out hard you can sweat out toxins.

3. Saunas: Along the same line as vigorious exercise they should be used together the get maximal results.

4. Chelation therapy: This an IV therapy that helps remove heavy metals from you blood stream. This therapy is very expensive and requires medical supervision.

Your friend,
Jeffrey KA Boateng

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

During any Recession you should turn to Rice

Dear Reader,

While many people have been struggling. I have been doing just fine. I was not caught up in the housing bubble. I don't have a mortgage that is too big to pay, or securities in my portfolio that have become worthless. I have taken many steps to insure I have plenty of money in the months to come. One of these steps is eating more rice for many reason but mainly because rice is one of the most inexpensive foods that can be found.

I have friends who spend twenty dollars a day on food, not me! With 20 dollars I can buy a 10 lb bag or rice and eat good for 2 weeks. Of course I don't eat just rice I usually add in lots of vegetables and a little bit of fish. All these ingredients can be brought cheaply at Walmart, Safeway, Krogers or even online. Remember when you get fast food you are only full for one meal but when you buy rice you are full for many meals.

Arya Supreme Quality Basmati Rice, 10-lbs Bag

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Be an Ant not a grasshopper

Dear Reader

When I was younger, I used to go out and party all the time. I would work hard all week for a few dollars and then when the weekend rolled around I would spend most of it on foolish thing that brought nothing of value to my life. Now that I am older and wiser, I have decided to stop partying and start saving my money. Instead of going out to drink with my buddies I stay in my house and watch movies on netflix. If I do go out I go to a bar or pub with a happy hour. I rarely ever buy drinks I feel insulted paying for over priced drinks. I feel more like an Ant these days all I do is work and save for the future.

The ant is a wise creature it stores food for the winter in the summer because it knows it would face death if it isn't prepared. I wish more people would take this philosophy. We have all heard of the stories of people who have gone bankrupt because of unexpected emergencies in their lives. So from now on be an ant not a grasshopper. Consume as little as possible and save to the max so when hard times fall you are ready. You should have at least a year's worth of living expenses saved up and a bunch of food and water stocked up in your basement or bedroom.

Jeffrey Boateng

Friday, February 12, 2010

Stop worrying about what other people think about you

Dear Reader,

In today's modern world to many people worry about what other people think of them. For example, people are always following clothing trends. As soon as a big female celebrity wears a dress on a nationally televised event, a flock of her fans go into stores to purchase the dress. A month later this celebrity is wearing another dress and the cycle continues. The only real difference is the celebrity is being paid to wear these dresses by a clothing company while her fans are spending their own money to make the clothing companies rich. Instead of wasting time following other people try to become more independent, live life how you want to not how somebody else want you to. You want be super popular but at least you will be happy and more likely to be financially stable.

Jeffrey Boateng

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Best Invesment you can make is in your health

Dear Reader,

There is no better investment you can make than an investment in your health. Without good health you will not enjoy all that life has to offer. This is why I advocate that you buy natural and unprocessed foods, even if they are more expensive than junk food. If you have to pay more money for these foods do so. By doing this you will help make sure that you stay healthier for longer periods of time. Many people spend thousands of dollars a year on diseases that can be prevented with a better diet. Don't become one of these people, do whatever you can to educate yourself about healthy living. One step you can do right away is to eat more fruits and vegetables.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to reduce migraine pain

Dear Reader,

Recently, some of my friends have been experiencing migraines, and have asked me to do some research and come up with an alternative health remedy for migraines.

Well, I have done some research and have come up with a simple solution. If you experience a migraine you need only one thing, a bag of ice.
As soon as you have migraine pain grab a bag of ice, and place it on your forehead or the back of your neck. The reason for doing this is to cool down your brain and help reduce the pain caused by a migraine.

If you want to try to prevent migraines you can try the following herbs feverfew and ginger these are supposed to help with blood flow in the body. The increased blood flow should help reduce migraines.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Power of Fasting

Dear Reader

Have you been feeling sick lately and don’t know what to do? Are you seriously overweight and are in desperate need of weight reduction? If you are in one of these two situations, I would recommend you go on a water or juice fast. During a fast you stop eating food. Instead of food you only drink water or freshly made juice. By going on a fast you divert energy from your digestive systems to other systems in your body. By doing this your body is able to use the saved energy to speed up healing processes. Your body can also begin to detox. After a few days your body will run out of carbohydrate stores and turn to stored up fat in the body. Once it starts burning this fat your body will get rid of toxins stored up in your body and you will see a reduction in your body weight. Be warned fasting isn’t for everyone you should check with your doctor or an alternative health adviser before you begin one to make sure you do not have a condition that does not bode well with fasting.
