Dear Reader,
You are exposed to several chemicals and heavy metals each day due to the pesticides and additives used in foods, and contaminants found in our polluted environment. The human body can only process so many chemicals through the liver and kidney anything your body can't get rid of is stored in fat or in your joints. Over time this build up has an effect on your health. To counteract this effect you should detox your body. There a are several opitons for detoxing:
1. Colonincs: A colonic flushes toxins out of your lower bowl. There is a saying that death starts in the colon is it is very important to have it cleared out.
2. Vigorous exercise: By working out hard you can sweat out toxins.
3. Saunas: Along the same line as vigorious exercise they should be used together the get maximal results.
4. Chelation therapy: This an IV therapy that helps remove heavy metals from you blood stream. This therapy is very expensive and requires medical supervision.
Your friend,
Jeffrey KA Boateng
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