Saturday, August 29, 2009

Product Recomendation

Dear reader,

For me nothing works better for getting rid of aches and soreness than tiger balm. Tiger balm is the Asian version of icy hot it can be found in most stores and pharmacies especially CVS. You just rub it on the area that is in pain and let it go to work. I suggest you buy tiger balm along with capsicum if you are feel sore after a workout or a long day of work.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

ICE is the best remedy for aches and pains

Dear Reader,

I haven't posted on the blog for a little bit now because I have been busy with what could be my last football training camp ever. For the last week I have been doing nothing but running,hitting, tackling, and lifting. These following activities cause my to push my body to it's physical limits and without my secret weapon I would be in great pain. Ice is the greatest weapon to use against any body ache that you develop. The cold from Ice helps relive inflammatory at the point of the ache better than any drugs and doctor will prescribe you. The coldness will also cause the body to send blood to the area faster than it normal would causing the healing process to speed up. I have been using the ice bath every day since the start of training camp for my legs and I feel little soreness and I no longer fear two a day sessions or the daily conditioning. So if you are an athlete or like to be active use ICE as a major part of you rehab regiment.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Sun is not your Enemy

Dear Reader,

So many people are afraid of the sun for no reason. Yes too much sun exposure can burn your skin and cause health problems but not getting enough sun is just as bad. Your body needs daily exposure to sunlight in order to produce it's own vitamin D. Forget about drinking milk and taking supplements you can make vitamin D yourself for free without having to drink milk which is not that good for you anyways. Sunlight also has other benefits such as preventing chronic diseases and helping fight insomnia. If you find yourself staying up late at night exercise more outdoors. Our bodies were designed to hunt during the day and sleep and night. In today's modern world people stay indoors for hours at a time and wonder why they can't sleep. How is your body supposed to know when to sleep if you are always inside. When you go outside you body temperatures rises giving you a boost in energy. When you go back inside you start to cool down and finally at night you get sleepy and go to sleep.
