Friday, June 19, 2009

Cold Water Therapy

If you start your day by taking a hot shower you should really think about switching to a cold shower. A cold shower has many more health benefits. When you take a cold shower you cause a shock to several systems in your body. The circulatory system will be put into movement causing blood to move throughout the internal organs in your blood. If you are feeling depressed the cold water can help you cope. In Chinese medicine cold water is know to help remove bad energy and bring about good energy through the blood it circulates. Your body will also start to release endorphins which are natural pain killers that cause you to feel the runners high. After a few weeks of cold water therapy you should notice a lower blood pressure and a decrease in the duration of colds and other illnesses. The major reason you should at least try this therapy for a few week is it is free and safe. You don't have to waste money on expensive pharmaceutical drugs that have ill side effects.

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